Advertising the Un-Advertisable - Quick, Henry, the Anti-Twit!

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The authors are responding to the Post Writing Challenge of advertising the un-advertisable. As usual, they paid no attention to the instructions. (So what else is new?)

As usual, the results are gratifying. Rules be darned.

As usual, we repeat the instructions – not because anybody pays attention to them – but just as a general reference.

Write, compose, draw or even film an ad. But – and here's the kicker – it has to be something you can't BUY. Something intangible but necessary, such as peace, math ability, or a decent sense of humour. You may OFFER TO SELL this commodity, but only in an impractical way. Take your payment in smileys, hugs, or guru sweat-equity, whatever.

For the original on which this no-doubt 'power' ad campaign is based, see the genius work of Theodore Geisel (before he became Dr Seuss). We are judicious thieves. – DG

And now…

Quick, Henry, the Anti-Twit!

Friends, is life getting you down?

Are persistent pests of the pettifogging persuasion making your existence a perpetual purgatory?

We have the answer.

The Anti-Twit Crème-Pie Throwing Gun (patent pending) is guaranteed to deliver quick satisfaction. See this demonstration:

A gun to shoot pies at twits

  • 'I know this joke isn't PC, but…' – Quick, Henry, the Anti-Twit!
  • 'The figures for this quarter have been circularised to all stake-holder departments…' – Quick, Henry, the Anti-Twit!
  • 'My fellow Americans…' – Quick, Henry, the Anti-Twit!

You get the idea.

This amazing device is available in a variety of designer colours at the nominal price of 6 postlethwicks, payable in 2-postlethwick installments at your local Galactic Bank. Alternatively, you may leave a bodily organ in escrow with the Bank as collateral for a longer-term plan.

Quick, Henry, the Anti-Twit!

The Post Writing Challenge: Advertising the Un-Advertisable Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

18.04.11 Front Page

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